Opinium/Observer poll: Brexit

How well or badly do you think Brexit has gone so far?

Very well 7%

Fairly well 31

Fairly badly 28

Very badly 24

Don’t know 10

Has Brexit gone better or worse than you expected?

Better than expected 20%

Worse than expected 21

I expected it to go well and it has 9

I expected it to go badly and it has 38

Don’t know 12

How well or badly do you think Brexit has gone so far?

Has Brexit gone better or worse than you expected?

Very well 7%

Better than expected 20%

Fairly well 31

Worse than expected 21

Fairly badly 28

I expected it to go well and it has 9

I expected it to go badly and it has 38

Very badly 24

Don’t know 10

Don’t know 12