Start to finish: the story of a T-shirt

Machinists at Interstoff Apparels in Gazipur, Bangladesh, stitch the garments together for about 35p an hour

The T-shirts are shipped to the Czech Republic, where another company prints the slogan #IWannaBeASpiceGirl

Belgian brand Stanley/Stella, which oversees the production process, receives approximately €5 (£4.40) for each T-shirt from US ‘crowdselling platform’ Represent

The Spice Girls, who have announced that proceeds from the shirts will go to Comic Relief, appear on The Jonathan Ross Show in November, with the host proudly holding up one of the garments to the camera

Represent, which had been commissioned by the Spice Girls to get the T-shirts made, puts them on sale online for £19.40 each plus postage and packaging

Comic Relief said about £11.60 from the sale of each T-shirt was given to the charity


Machinists at Interstoff Apparels in Gazipur, Bangladesh, stitch the garments together for about 35p an hour

The T-shirts are shipped to the Czech Republic, where another company prints the slogan #IWannaBeASpiceGirl

The Spice Girls, who have announced that proceeds from the shirts will go to Comic Relief, appear on The Jonathan Ross Show in November, with the host proudly holding up one of the garments to the camera

Belgian brand Stanley/Stella, which oversees the production process, receives approximately €5 (£4.40) for each T-shirt from US ‘crowdselling platform’ Represent

Represent, which had been commissioned by the Spice Girls to get the T-shirts made, puts them on sale online for £19.40 each plus postage and packaging

Comic Relief said about £11.60 from the sale of each T-shirt was given to the charity
