Homosexuality: legal status around the world

No penalising law

Recognises civil union

Recognises marriage

Homosexuality is criminalised – 0-7 year sentence

15 years to life

8-14 years

15 years to life in some areas

Death penalty

Death penalty in part of country

Death penalty but not applied

Trinidad & Tobago's high court will rule this month on whether to decriminalise

sex between men

India's supreme court has struck down a 160-year-old law banning homosexuality

In August the supreme court in Costa Rica ruled gay marriage should be legalised within 18 months

Australia's parliament recognised same-sex marriage in December 2017 after voters backed it in a postal survey

In Kenya and Botswana, rulings on cases seeking to decriminalise gay sex are being awaited

No penalising law

Recognises civil union

Recognises marriage

Homosexuality is criminalised – 0-7 year sentence

8-14 years

15 years to life

15 years to life in some areas

Death penalty

Death penalty in part of country

Death penalty but not applied

India's supreme court has struck down a 160-year-old law banning homosexuality

Trinidad & Tobago's high court will rule

this month on whether to decriminalise

sex between men

In Kenya and

Botswana, rulings

on cases seeking

to decriminalise

gay sex are being


Australia's parliament recognised same-sex marriage in December 2017 after voters

backed it in a postal survey

In August the supreme court in Costa Rica ruled gay marriage should be legalised within 18 months

No penalising law

Homosexuality is criminalised – up to seven-year sentence

Recognises civil union

8-14 years

15 years to life

15 years to life in some areas

Recognises marriage

Death penalty

Death penalty in part of country

Death penalty but not applied

India's supreme court has struck down a 160-year-old law banning homosexuality

In August the

supreme court

in Costa Rica ruled

gay marriage should

be legalised within

18 months

Trinidad & Tobago's

high court will rule this month on whether

to decriminalise sex between men

In Kenya and Botswana, rulings on cases seeking

to decriminalise gay sex are being awaited

Australia's parliament recognised same-sex marriage in December 2017 after voters backed it in a postal survey