What’s the difference between the mean and the median figures?

Company A has 11 employees

The lowest-paid employee earns

eight times less than the CEO

This is the mean, or average wage

Calculated by adding up the wages of all employees and dividing by the number of employees

This is the median wage

It falls in the middle of a range when everyone’s wages are lined up from smallest to largest

The median is a typically a more representative figure as the mean can be skewed by a handful of highly paid people

Company A employs five women

and six men. The median wage for both

genders is the same in this case ...


... but due to high executive

pay the mean is much higher for

the male employees

Mean for men

Mean for women

Guardian graphic

What’s the difference between the mean and the median figures?

The median is a typically a more representative figure as the mean can be skewed by a handful of highly paid people

Company A employs five women

and six men. The median wage for both

genders is the same in this case ...


... but due to high executive

pay the mean is much higher for

the male employees

Company A has 11 employees

The lowest-paid employee earns

eight times less than the CEO

This is the mean, or average wage

Calculated by adding up the wages of all employees and dividing by the number of employees

This is the median wage

It falls in the middle of a range when everyone’s wages are lined up from smallest to largest

Mean for men

Mean for women

Guardian graphic

What’s the difference between the mean and the median figures?

The median is a typically a more representative figure as the mean can be skewed by a handful of highly paid people

Company A employs five women

and six men. The median wage

for both genders is the same in

this case ...


... but due to high executive

pay the mean is much higher for

the male employees

Company A has 11 employees

The lowest-paid employee earns

eight times less than the CEO

This is the mean, or average wage

Calculated by adding up the wages of all employees and dividing by the number of employees

This is the median wage

It falls in the middle of a range when everyone’s wages are lined up from smallest to largest


for men

Mean for


Guardian graphic