Economic allies

Tom Scholar

Christine Lagarde

Mark Carney

Wolfgang Schäuble

Mark Carney Governor of the Bank of England.

Carney was handpicked by the chancellor from Canada and offered big financial rewards for relocating, though he is politically neutral in

his new job


Christine Lagarde IMF managing director.

Backed by Osborne for a second term at the IMF, she has in recent years been supportive about his financial plans


Wolfgang Schäuble German finance minister.

Once enjoyed an ‘unforgettable’ night watching Chelsea FC with Osborne. They have a good professional relationship, with Schäuble expressing support for Osborne's economics


Tom Scholar New Treasury permanent secretary. Known as a big Whitehall brain, Scholar replaced the longstanding top Treasury civil servant Nick Macpherson, after working on Cameron's EU renegotiation

Wolfgang Schäuble German finance minister.

Once enjoyed an ‘unforgettable’ night watching Chelsea FC with Osborne. They have a good professional relationship, with Schäuble expressing support for Osborne's economics


Tom Scholar New Treasury permanent secretary. Known as a big Whitehall brain, Scholar replaced the longstanding top Treasury civil servant Nick Macpherson, after working on Cameron's EU renegotiation

Mark Carney Governor of the Bank of England.

Carney was handpicked by the chancellor from Canada and offered big financial rewards for relocating, though he is politically neutral in

his new job


Christine Lagarde IMF managing director.

Backed by Osborne for a second term at the IMF, she has in recent years been supportive about his financial plans

Mark Carney

Governor of the

Bank of England

Christine Lagarde

IMF managing director

Tom Scholar

New Treasury

permanent secretary

Wolfgang Schäuble

German finance minister