
% of votes in which MP voted against

majority party opinion since 1997

or whenever they entered the House

of Commons

Most rebellious

John Trickett 1.7


Jeremy Corbyn

Average rebellion, percent

Harman’s shadow cabinet 0.37

Corbyn’s shadow cabinet 1.56

% of votes in which MP voted against majority party

opinion since 1997 or whenever they entered the

House of Commons

Most rebellious

John Trickett 1.7


Jeremy Corbyn

Average rebellion, percent

Harman’s shadow cabinet 0.37

Corbyn’s shadow cabinet 1.56

% of votes in which MP voted against majority party opinion

since 1997 or whenever they entered the House of Commons

Most rebellious

John Trickett 1.7


Jeremy Corbyn

Average rebellion, percent

Harman’s shadow cabinet 0.37

Corbyn’s shadow cabinet 1.56

% of votes in which MP voted against majority party opinion since 1997 or whenever

they entered the House of Commons

Most rebellious

John Trickett 1.7


Jeremy Corbyn

Average rebellion, percent

Harman’s shadow cabinet 0.37

Corbyn’s shadow cabinet 1.56