Three things every side hustler’s site needs to succeed

by Andy Clarke, creative specialist manager at GoDaddy

1 Say what your customers want to hear, not what you want to say
You have seven seconds of your customer’s time, so this isn’t your story or CV. Make your content relevant: the basis for strong organic search results on Google is showing the solution to your customer’s problem.

2 Tell the truth
Are you saying what people want to hear, or what they need to know? Google’s algorithm values authenticity and clarity. Share photos of your previous work instead of stock images.

3 Have a clear brand identity
Know who your target audience is and consider how you want to communicate with them. Do you want to be funny or serious? Are you casual or formal? Write your content in this tone, consider your colour palette with this tone in mind, and include a picture of you with what you’re selling to show you’re not just a brand, you’re a person.